Saturday, 1 November 2008

Things to Come

Well continuing the theme to using photoshop and my graphics tablet i'm still experamenting, this time i'm going to a more realistic image then my previous one which was just a bit of fun, this image is based on the actor Hidenori Tokuyama. Hopefully i'll finish the image soon, once i catch up on my uni work. See ya
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Thursday, 30 October 2008

Testing New Equipment

For my birthday this year I was given a graphics tablet, so naturally the first thing I did was ripped it open and played around a bit with it in Photoshop. What you see here i doubt is anything special but just an hour or twos worth of fun and experimenting. Basically i sketched a picture of myself from a photo and tried out different effects to make this:
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Wednesday, 29 October 2008

In the beginning...

Well this empty space you see in front of you is what will soon become my online digital portfolio, hopefully soonish. I'll be uploading images of current work as well as showing slide shows of other select pieces of work, not just of things done on my Animation course but from all my work, whatever form it shall take.

For now though... hope!